Multi Slab Resin Line
To make the resin harden properly and in reasonably short time, suitable ovens are necessary. The oven polymerization (solidfication) is the most impotant component of resin line. Since the positive result of the entire process depends on its effectiveness. We have designed truly unique polymerization unit. It is equipped with gas &electrical Heating system that generates warm air flow which make the resin line boast of a huge stocking capacity as per requirement so that after the fiber-nethas been position and the resin has been laid, material stay inside them for a long time. It is indeed advisable to keep the stone in the oven for two hour at least. The inner temperature of the ovens can ne freely adjusted according to the type resin that has been used. Vacuum treatment: the smallest stone defects are often hard to be resin-filled. We refer the so called “Micro-cracks” “micro-fissures” and “ diagonal narrow veins”. In order to improve the resin penetration inside all the cavities the vacuum technology represent a valid solution. the chambers are auxillary machines designed to impregnate with resin on thickness. Once the resin has been applied onto the slabs and strips which continuously shut and re-open. When the doors are shut, a vacuum generated by the pump.
Unloading Operations
Resin lines can be alternatively equipped with a titling hydraculic bench. An operator has to take the processed materials with a “hoist and clamp lifting set” connected to a jib- crane and so to remove on the plan of tiling bench which holds a conveyor tray.
Salient Features
- HMI shows production and power consumption of total machine, also show per block and per shift production and power consumption
- High production with low power cost, low labour cost and space in reasonable price
- Complete auto cycle
- Over heat safety for heater bank
- Temperature setting in PLC-HMI
- Earth leakage safety
- Input and output slab indication
- Immediate stop & alarm for any fault detection
- Machine start from same place in case of power failure
- Auto stop in air blower failure